It's easy to subscribe cases to DocketSync individually. And now, it's just as easy to import your entire caseload at once.
Download and fill out our bulk import spreadsheet containing your basic case details, and InfoTrack staff will ensure your cases are all connected to DocketSync in one business day or less.
Important: Currently, InfoTrack can only bulk subscribe cases to DocketSync if their imported case information matches an existing matter in InfoTrack. If the case does not correspond to an existing InfoTrack matter, it will not be subscribed to DocketSync.
Required information
• InfoTrack username
• NYSCEF username (if case is in New York)
• Case number
• Matter name
• Court name
• State
List each case on its own row and email it back to to have each case synced to DocketSync.
How to obtain the required information
It may be possible to export much of the case information (case number, matter name, court name, state) from your case management system as a spreadsheet file.
Login details, such as "InfoTrack username" and "NYSCEF username," are often the same for each case. If this is true for your firm, you can copy the required details down all the rows in the relevant column after you have loaded the case information.