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How to file a new case

A step-by-step demonstration of to how to eFile court documents in InfoTrack

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Written by Product Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Filing a new case in InfoTrack can be dramatically simpler than using a traditional eFiling service provider.

In addition to synchronizing and pre-filling key information from the matter record in your primary legal software, InfoTrack can extract information from the case initiating documents, saving you from duplicative data entry and reducing the chances of a filing mistake.

For integrated users

If you're integrated with a matter in your primary legal software, you can choose your case-initiating documents directly from the matter record.

  1. From the Matter or All Orders view, click the Start new case action button. If you are not integrated with a matter, you will be prompted to do so.

  2. On the next screen, you'll be prompted to upload your documents. If you're properly integrated with your matter, you'll see the logo of your primary legal software below the matter name.

    Check the documents you'd like to file, or click +Add from computer to select them from your hard drive.

  3. When you have selected all the documents you want to file with your case initiation, click Next. InfoTrack will automatically convert your selected documents to the court's required format, and perform an optical character recognition (OCR) scan to make the document text-searchable.

  4. On the next screen, you can preview and rename your documents, if desired.

  5. When you're ready to start the filing process, click Import.​ You'll see a message as InfoTrack scans your imported documents and your matter for information that can be used to pre-fill fields in the filing workflow.

  6. Once the scan is complete, you should see that a number of filing fields have been pre-filled. In many instances, InfoTrack can even preselect your court location, case category and case type simply from the information contained on your imported documents.

  7. Scroll down on the right-hand filing panel to verify that these selections are correct, and to fill in any that have not been completed. If you need to make changes, you can always choose different options from the drop-down menus or retype information into the text fields.

  8. When you have filled all required fields, select your Payment Option. These will vary by court, but often include options for payment by invoice (InfoTrack Pays), credit card, ACH/debit, or to decline payment and use a fee waiver.

    Note that if you choose "waiver," you typically must include a copy of your fee waiver in your filing.

  9. In the lower right corner of the page, click Submit to finalize your court filing order and reach the order confirmation screen.

For non-integrated users

  1. If you're not already integrated a primary legal software, you can launch this process from the All Orders screen.

  2. From there, you'll be able to follow the instructions from the section above, skipping Step 1. Note that documents will need to be imported from your computer, and you may optionally add a matter name to the first field.

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