For multiple sellers of the same real estate transaction, who are not husband and wife, you must file a separate 1099-S form for each seller, each with their own TIN and forwarding address. Click Add New on the 1099-S filing page and enter the required information.
Gross allocation for multiple sellers
Gross proceeds must be allocated for each seller. The allocation between sellers should add up to the contract sale price. Enter the $ amount of each split into the Seller's Gross Allocation field. The % will calculate automatically based on the amounts entered.
$0 gross proceeds allocation
For sellers receiving $0 of the gross proceeds, a 1099-S form is not required. Instead, an exemption form can be used. See more on 1099-S substitute and exemption forms.
If you choose to file a 1099-S form for a seller not receiving a gross proceed allocation, please contact our helpdesk ( or (844) 340-3096) for guidance on how to do this.