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How to cancel a SignIT order
How to cancel a SignIT order

Cancelling a SignIT order after sending it for signature

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Written by Product Team
Updated over 8 months ago

You can cancel a SignIT after sending by following these steps:

Step 1: Locate the SignIT order.

  • From your case management software, locate the SignIT order in the relevant matter and double-click. InfoTrack will open the order at the SignIT dashboard view.

  • Alternatively, log into InfoTrack and locate the SignIt order in your Orders list. Click on the hyperlinked Status to open the SignIT order at the dashboard view.

Step 2: Click on any order entry.

Step 3: Under the Actions menu, click 'Cancel order.'


Step 4: Confirm that you wish to cancel the order.

Important note
Once the order has been voided, the signer will no longer be able to access and view the document for signing. The SignIT fee will be refunded. However, if the fee was auto-captured as an expense in your case management you will need to manually delete it.

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