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Maryland eFiling requirements

How to submit electronic filings in Maryland courts

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Written by Product Team
Updated over 8 months ago

With the exception of Baltimore City, eFiling is mandatory for all attorneys filing into Maryland courts. You may use the Maryland Odyssey File and Serve site, or you may opt to use an electronic filing service provider (EFSP) such as InfoTrack for more convenience and ease. In either case, you will need to register and create an account either with Maryland Odyssey File and Serve or with your chosen EFSP before you can submit your filings.

As an attorney, you may authorize a paralegal or other staff member to file on your behalf. They must also register as a user with your chosen EFSP.

For self-represented litigants, eFiling is not mandatory.

What must be eFiled in Maryland?

In general, all case documents must be electronically filed. eFile any document that can be converted to a legible electronic document.

Exceptions are present for the following instances:

  • To eFile a single document that includes more than 300 pages, you must either submit it in separate files or get leave from the court to file it in one unit.

  • Oversized documents such as maps, blueprints, and plats may be physically filed.

  • Items that cannot be practically eFiled due to their nature can be physically filed.

  • Other exemptions may be made by the State Court Administrator.

  • Failure to Pay Rent Actions in District Court is exempt from eFiling requirements.

  • A Circuit Court Case Information Report must be both electronically and physically filed.

  • Audit Reports should be sent directly to the auditor.

General eFiling requirements in Maryland

Once you are registered with your desired EFSP and familiar with eFiling rules in Maryland, you are ready to prepare your filing. Here are the basic requirements, which are similar to eFiling document requirements in most states:

  • All documents must be submitted in PDF format.

  • Your eFiling should include separate PDF documents for each individual form, exhibit, or other item, and those should be submitted in a single envelope. An envelope is the term for the electronic folder in which all of your documents are submitted.

  • Every filing must include a lead document.

  • Ensure that any required fees for optional services are included.

  • Include service contact email information for each party that must be served electronically.

  • Unless instructed by rule, statute, or court order, redact any confidential information. To file a confidential submission, you must submit a Motion to Seal with your proposed order.

Where to find more information about eFiling in Maryland

Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) offers the MDEC web portal with information for both attorneys and the general public.

Find the full rules in the MDEC Rules Overview.

The MDEC Policies and Procedures include detailed instructions for registration with Maryland Odyssey File and Serve, eFiling, eService, and more in Maryland.

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