If a customer is trying to file into an Unlawful Detainer case and is unable to locate their case, it could be because it is still in its confidential period.
Unlawful Detainer cases are confidential for 60 days and cannot be viewed unless, according to Code of Civil Procedure section 1161.2, an interested party can provide all of the required case-related information. This means that in order for a customer to file into the case, they must enter the case information exactly as it appears on the Court's Register of Action (ROA).
37-2023-00042207-CL-UD-CTL was first filed on 09/27/2023. A customer tried to search for the case on 10/13/2023 and it turned up no results, as it is within its confidential period.
The customer would need to select “Unlawful Detainer Search” and input all of the case information, as entered on the Court's Register of Actions, for the case to be located and filed into.